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Deborah J. Murphy, Artist
Drawing in the LandscapePrismacolor on board, 2021, 38" x 38", framed | Autumn off McKinley RoadPrismacolor on board, 2021, 32" x 37", framed |
Summer's Out of ReachPrismacolor on board, 2020, 36" x 46", framed | The Remains of a Flood, IowaPrismacolor on board, 2020, 38" x 38", framed |
Ditch Curve, Flood Waters Off I-29Prismacolor on board, 2020, 38" x 33", framed | Deep Shadows Near WisnerPrismacolor on board, 2019, 27" x 38", framed |
Water Convergence, North OmahaPrismacolor on board, 2019, 36" x 27", framed | "After the Flood, Washington County"Prismacolor on board, 2011, 30" x 28", framed |
"Backwaters, Western Iowa"Prismacolor on board, 2011, 48" x 27", framed | "Prairie Pothole, Summer"Prismacolor on board, 2007, 27" x 20", framed |
"The Grass is Greener Still"Prismacolor on board, 2005, 27" x 27", framed | " Late Fall Off Highway 15"Prismacolor on board, 2005, 37" x 27", framed |
"The Little Sioux at Highway 31"Prismacolor on board, 2004, 37" x 19", framed | "Ditch Curve"Prismacolor on board, 2001, 47" x 37", framed |
"It's Coming on Winter"Prismacolor on board, 2001, 37" x 29", framed | "Blue Morning, Blue Morning"Prismacolor on board, 2000, 40" x 36", framed |
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